"WOVEN" A Documentary Film


“ITINOCHI” is an historical documentary/drama on the intriguing journey of the Ebira Cloth. It traces the origins of weaving, how it has sustained homes & communities for generations; and explores its immense contributions to defining the cultural identity of the Ebira people in Nigeria.

From its ancient ceremonial use in funerals and traditional masquerades to beautifying many modern ceremonies, the Ebira cloth has been studied by notable intellectuals, used by international designers and has found its place on the world stage including The British Museum and Sotheby's. Beyond its entertainment value on multiple distribution platforms like film festivals, premieres, and TV/Streaming, the film will also serve as an educational tool distributed to institutions of learning.

Produced by Africa-Related in partnership with Ita'i Our Cloth and Tom Adaba Legacy Project


Weaving Training Programs